well i purposely took a week of frm part time
to help parents..
what to do... dad take in so many orders for the week
and its my decision to take a week off... mayb a way to get rid of my part time sien-ness
today it suppose to be a family gathering kinda event for every chinese
but sigh.. again.. spending it with lotsa people with us serving them
i'm getting used to it ... it used to be suffering event few years ago
and again .. turn out so many sibling i had.. only left me bother to help
sigh~ sometimes feel like bombard them .. but some how i;m d youngest
cant do that... their choice.. but seeing only my parents working
day n nite.. no 1 bother to help out a bit .. its crazy...
even a tiny handy hand would lift their shoulder bit lighter
n yet i no longer like event days .. coz its becoming a same usual day
no special reason for me to celebrate since i'm always tangle up to help them
haiz... x'mas gone, new year gone, summer break gone....
people start thinking what had u done for the year
recall them... n it will freak u out.. how much time wasted without doing any meaningful stuff
and how the time flies like shooting stars..
we nvr appreaciate untill we loose it ..
signing off~
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
everyday is a new challenge???
well i dont see that now
so far..
as every whats in d list of to-do remains the same daily
even started part-time.. the list goes on and on with the same old routine
we call it..
so how can the challenge of everyday be such a way?!
maybe its d spices in every1's life is differ from one to another
thats why there's something call "spiced up your life"!!!
trying to be lame here""
well.. the spice i've been using so many years really did some boredom out of it some times
i would said most of the time..
people come and go
there's only few left to be the worthy ones n yet still keeping
without turning away from
>those who stay no matter how long since we knew each another
without connecting frequently
>those who even know what each other thinking with a flick of eye
>those who think of you even they're with their love ones
>....... the list goes on & on ...
and these are meant to be kept forever..
so far..
as every whats in d list of to-do remains the same daily
even started part-time.. the list goes on and on with the same old routine
we call it..
so how can the challenge of everyday be such a way?!
maybe its d spices in every1's life is differ from one to another
thats why there's something call "spiced up your life"!!!
trying to be lame here""
well.. the spice i've been using so many years really did some boredom out of it some times
i would said most of the time..
people come and go
there's only few left to be the worthy ones n yet still keeping
without turning away from
>those who stay no matter how long since we knew each another
without connecting frequently
>those who even know what each other thinking with a flick of eye
>those who think of you even they're with their love ones
>....... the list goes on & on ...
and these are meant to be kept forever..
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
after so long...
its been almost 2 months i din blog...
update on studies.. due to not revising properly n hardworking enuf
tada! i failed 2 units!! GG..T.T
i was shocked enuf when i received the sms result
n rite after tat sm called n told about hers as well.. then we start talking in phone
thinking ways for her to talk to her parents..
mine? well, i end up tearing while dinner as i'm telling them about it
so hence, dad no chance to pull my head off or mumble/scold me tat time
but i did felt guilty for failing 2 but not pass all..
tis failing 2 units also means tat i gotto extend my studies for another half a year
tada~! graduation will be half a year later than expected
holiday so far was .. erm.. oh .. how would i said..
boring? well... not really till i'm in part time nw..
darn bored sitting in office alone most of the time..
scanning... walk up n down... scanning...
n ya... blogging like nw.. but yet i'm in office "working"
but at d same time i feel like quiting so tat i can hang out wif my frens
which we had alot to catch up.. especially those who's came bck n leaving again..
but for those catch up i need also xtra pocket money whereby i need to earn nw..
more to be updated ...
singing off...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
searching for the turn on switch
how can my study mood get turn on?!
my finals in 2 weeks time..
and not a single knowledge needed in finals insert to my brain
gg'ed... doomed
walking around campus .. every1 seem to be reading their notes or the text
but me ending up in comp lab facebooking.. staring into space
study? hardly read through notes even in study weeks
i'll better find a way to get me study b4 its really toooooooo late
since its already late now..
stress for not studying~
random update.....
my finals in 2 weeks time..
and not a single knowledge needed in finals insert to my brain
gg'ed... doomed
walking around campus .. every1 seem to be reading their notes or the text
but me ending up in comp lab facebooking.. staring into space
study? hardly read through notes even in study weeks
i'll better find a way to get me study b4 its really toooooooo late
since its already late now..
stress for not studying~
random update.....
Monday, October 5, 2009
end of break= 1 step nearer to exam
yup.. here goes my break..
n quite disappointed 1 also
i knw i knw.. dun so emo.. but throughout d break
emo attack again n again .. non stopping
like mentioned earlier n b4 i started d break
did really end up helping most of the time
but also got myself bck to d old me
catching on few dramas during the break
wat to do .. uni gang busy wif their assgn..
then me n sm end up din plan anything wif them
then wanna go watch movie wanna ajak ray also cant ade..
too far to be reach in time for movie..
then i was then looking forward for d mooncake festival
which end up being an emo day for me..
supposely to have either teppanyaki or make sushi at home
thanx to mum again plan gotto cancel off
wat to do .. even only she only ask to fetch them to work
but haiz.. mum still mum.. dun wanna hired people to work ..
insist of getting herself tangled up wif 2 hands only
takkan i go drop them off like tat rite..
end up thinking i shall help them awhile then only bck home to celebrate
well well... end up the work never end .. since there's only 3 of us at d place...
so my dinner plan sway~ but i left d place some how b4 the buffet started
i just dunno y.. tears just roll down as i was driving bck home...
n tis reminded me of years ago.. when i still play tanglung..
there was once of the year only me alone at home..
but i still insisted to lite on tanglung n hang on trees around d house all alone
how naive n free frm thought compare to now..
recently its quite a struggle for myself to pass my days of celebration
sometimes just feel so tired of being me...
i think during the break .. 3 out of 4 days i end up snacking wif instant noodles
parents working, end up me alone at home most of the time
so is either i just take lunch or dinner for the day..
even one of the day.. i only realised i havent fill up wif food not until 9pm..
crazy break ...
officially 1 month to exam.. nervous for my revision..
coz dun think i understand most of the units..
n getting worried for my next sem for left out alone frm the gang alone in campus..
n quite disappointed 1 also
i knw i knw.. dun so emo.. but throughout d break
emo attack again n again .. non stopping
like mentioned earlier n b4 i started d break
did really end up helping most of the time
but also got myself bck to d old me
catching on few dramas during the break
wat to do .. uni gang busy wif their assgn..
then me n sm end up din plan anything wif them
then wanna go watch movie wanna ajak ray also cant ade..
too far to be reach in time for movie..
then i was then looking forward for d mooncake festival
which end up being an emo day for me..
supposely to have either teppanyaki or make sushi at home
thanx to mum again plan gotto cancel off
wat to do .. even only she only ask to fetch them to work
but haiz.. mum still mum.. dun wanna hired people to work ..
insist of getting herself tangled up wif 2 hands only
takkan i go drop them off like tat rite..
end up thinking i shall help them awhile then only bck home to celebrate
well well... end up the work never end .. since there's only 3 of us at d place...
so my dinner plan sway~ but i left d place some how b4 the buffet started
i just dunno y.. tears just roll down as i was driving bck home...
n tis reminded me of years ago.. when i still play tanglung..
there was once of the year only me alone at home..
but i still insisted to lite on tanglung n hang on trees around d house all alone
how naive n free frm thought compare to now..
recently its quite a struggle for myself to pass my days of celebration
sometimes just feel so tired of being me...
i think during the break .. 3 out of 4 days i end up snacking wif instant noodles
parents working, end up me alone at home most of the time
so is either i just take lunch or dinner for the day..
even one of the day.. i only realised i havent fill up wif food not until 9pm..
crazy break ...
officially 1 month to exam.. nervous for my revision..
coz dun think i understand most of the units..
n getting worried for my next sem for left out alone frm the gang alone in campus..
Monday, September 28, 2009
summary of another weekend
yup yup ...
yet another weekend and another post bout it..
its my so call mid-sem break starts!!! yeah??
nop.. seams like to me i need to help out tru d week
busy week for chinese to choose this month to get married
crazy.. done complaining..
now .. summary of my weekend
no party out tis weekend instead some slow n happy doing activities..
started out with saturday morning .. helped mum in d morning till afternoon
just lending some hand.. after that decided to stop by grandparents' place
although its near store but i hardly stop by there
felt guilty sometimes.. especially when grandpa was in d hospital
i was so worried he cant overcome and i was so regretted for not spending time wif him
so whenever those moment appear .. it made me stop by grandparents' place
d place just filled my childhood memory a lot
how i was running business with them in d vege stall as well as d convenient shop
which run in d neighbourhood and no1 wont knw who my grandparents if u mention them
its good when those elderly remembered seeing me last time when they see me now
i'll do all kinda stuff ther.. frm weighing vege to scrapping scales off fishes
eat junk food as much as i wan, taking bottles of soft drinks frm fridge as i want...
wat a great experience... just an ordinary kid would hang out in kampung
thinking bck now.. i kinda a kampung girl whenever parents was away to work
lolx... i believe no1 around me would had such great experience as kampung girl like tat..
but when come to my grandparents...haiz... they hardly remember wat their grandchild, me,
is doing now .. even thought i was in secondary skul or working for every time my visits..
n everytime i had to tell them i'm in uni
wat to do.. they raise 12 kids... n can u imagine how many grandchildren around them... with wide range of age even.. no complaints... plus me hardly visit them..
i spend almost half of my afternoon bck to grandparents place
after got bck home.. as usual on d pc on my way in the house..
then dear yuki pop in msn window complaining boring and felt like going for a swim
since it was a damn hot day.. d swimming feel storm me as well
so i was like "ok, pack now n lets go"
of coz then we was like lookin gwhich pool to go.. till evening ni we left..
end up we went for a moonlight swim... it was quite a swim
after so long... quite enjoy it... n looking forward for our next swim session
after our swim .. we end up in dpc to adore our hunger with great dinner
n CAKES!!! of coz.. main purpose of going ther is for their cakes actually
we had long dinner hour as well as long talk..
kinda more like a pillow talk ..
just tat we had it outside of bedroom
girls complains, talking, and complains again ..
lolx.. nice girl outing..
sunday well... supposely decided to go for wedding dinner earlier
but sadly parents so dun wan me to follow .. they just took off without me
how mean..
but end up bro buy dinner for us.. cool.. hardly he buy dinner
n good 1 .. we went to a chinese steamboat restourant serving typicall sichuan steamboat
we had lamb slices, chinese dumpling, ramen with special mixture of sesame sauce
which is near home... lately kepong been such convenient n greater deal for food
compare to city centre n pj, with unreasonable over-priced food
no good... not worth d penny since i can get a better taste and food quality in place near me
done summary for d weekend...
signing off~
yet another weekend and another post bout it..
its my so call mid-sem break starts!!! yeah??
nop.. seams like to me i need to help out tru d week
busy week for chinese to choose this month to get married
crazy.. done complaining..
now .. summary of my weekend
no party out tis weekend instead some slow n happy doing activities..
started out with saturday morning .. helped mum in d morning till afternoon
just lending some hand.. after that decided to stop by grandparents' place
although its near store but i hardly stop by there
felt guilty sometimes.. especially when grandpa was in d hospital
i was so worried he cant overcome and i was so regretted for not spending time wif him
so whenever those moment appear .. it made me stop by grandparents' place
d place just filled my childhood memory a lot
how i was running business with them in d vege stall as well as d convenient shop
which run in d neighbourhood and no1 wont knw who my grandparents if u mention them
its good when those elderly remembered seeing me last time when they see me now
i'll do all kinda stuff ther.. frm weighing vege to scrapping scales off fishes
eat junk food as much as i wan, taking bottles of soft drinks frm fridge as i want...
wat a great experience... just an ordinary kid would hang out in kampung
thinking bck now.. i kinda a kampung girl whenever parents was away to work
lolx... i believe no1 around me would had such great experience as kampung girl like tat..
but when come to my grandparents...haiz... they hardly remember wat their grandchild, me,
is doing now .. even thought i was in secondary skul or working for every time my visits..
n everytime i had to tell them i'm in uni
wat to do.. they raise 12 kids... n can u imagine how many grandchildren around them... with wide range of age even.. no complaints... plus me hardly visit them..
i spend almost half of my afternoon bck to grandparents place
after got bck home.. as usual on d pc on my way in the house..
then dear yuki pop in msn window complaining boring and felt like going for a swim
since it was a damn hot day.. d swimming feel storm me as well
so i was like "ok, pack now n lets go"
of coz then we was like lookin gwhich pool to go.. till evening ni we left..
end up we went for a moonlight swim... it was quite a swim
after so long... quite enjoy it... n looking forward for our next swim session
after our swim .. we end up in dpc to adore our hunger with great dinner
n CAKES!!! of coz.. main purpose of going ther is for their cakes actually
we had long dinner hour as well as long talk..
kinda more like a pillow talk ..
just tat we had it outside of bedroom
girls complains, talking, and complains again ..
lolx.. nice girl outing..
sunday well... supposely decided to go for wedding dinner earlier
but sadly parents so dun wan me to follow .. they just took off without me
how mean..
but end up bro buy dinner for us.. cool.. hardly he buy dinner
n good 1 .. we went to a chinese steamboat restourant serving typicall sichuan steamboat
we had lamb slices, chinese dumpling, ramen with special mixture of sesame sauce
which is near home... lately kepong been such convenient n greater deal for food
compare to city centre n pj, with unreasonable over-priced food
no good... not worth d penny since i can get a better taste and food quality in place near me
done summary for d weekend...
signing off~
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
another weekend
yet another weekend had past
and this was a long 1..
with raya break, this weekend became a 4 days off
then study for another 3 more days.. then my mid-sem break
so called mid sem break but it suppose to be a start to study for finals off
it was basically a really long nite out for d past few days
especially wif my cousins..
we hang out till late almost every alternate nite since friday
but at least i'm consider half occupied throughout the weekend
it depressing for myself to not to think about being alone on weekends unplanned
sad.... n mood spoiler...
i deeply missed d beach vv much ..
unforgettable relax and unwind feelings
d sun, beach, breeze of ocean...
really a great getaway place to be...
any beach will just give d same soothing feeling..
i'm sure a beach lover...
whenever i'm bored or tensed.. beach is d place popped out in mind..
lately sis was conquering d comp for d whole day
i din even get the chance to even on9 like i usually does
i even have to chat half way n cut off my msn conversation without saying bye
n sis just log off n do her stuff...
shud be time for a personal lappy ..
muahahah.. persuation time
recently found out tat people think of me as a hard cold ice block
for their first impression... its like they have to break the ice
to get me talk to them.. so they rather not ...
am i so?! n then only they might say tat i;m outgoing after knowing me
well i guess never judge frm wat it looks like then...
after knowing people frm diffferent background
i really think tat i;m too hard for a gal
its in d sense tat strong hard kinda..
i will ten to think that girls who rely on guys only r useless
n guys shud be ashame of themselve for not knowing stuffs that i know
which suppose to be in a guy's shoes, they shud knw
n i try to not seek help from guys if i;m capable of completing d task
n mayb tats also one of the reason y no guys approaches me
i'm affraid tat my hard side kills me more than anything else...
and this was a long 1..
with raya break, this weekend became a 4 days off
then study for another 3 more days.. then my mid-sem break
so called mid sem break but it suppose to be a start to study for finals off
it was basically a really long nite out for d past few days
especially wif my cousins..
we hang out till late almost every alternate nite since friday
but at least i'm consider half occupied throughout the weekend
it depressing for myself to not to think about being alone on weekends unplanned
sad.... n mood spoiler...
i deeply missed d beach vv much ..
unforgettable relax and unwind feelings
d sun, beach, breeze of ocean...
really a great getaway place to be...
any beach will just give d same soothing feeling..
i'm sure a beach lover...
whenever i'm bored or tensed.. beach is d place popped out in mind..
lately sis was conquering d comp for d whole day
i din even get the chance to even on9 like i usually does
i even have to chat half way n cut off my msn conversation without saying bye
n sis just log off n do her stuff...
shud be time for a personal lappy ..
muahahah.. persuation time
recently found out tat people think of me as a hard cold ice block
for their first impression... its like they have to break the ice
to get me talk to them.. so they rather not ...
am i so?! n then only they might say tat i;m outgoing after knowing me
well i guess never judge frm wat it looks like then...
after knowing people frm diffferent background
i really think tat i;m too hard for a gal
its in d sense tat strong hard kinda..
i will ten to think that girls who rely on guys only r useless
n guys shud be ashame of themselve for not knowing stuffs that i know
which suppose to be in a guy's shoes, they shud knw
n i try to not seek help from guys if i;m capable of completing d task
n mayb tats also one of the reason y no guys approaches me
i'm affraid tat my hard side kills me more than anything else...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
sunday sunday sunday
while i'm havig a depressed saturday nite
me n my couzy spend our nite sitting near d fountain in curve
looking at all passerby n discuss bout them
looking at all sort of human kind n their being
looking at how they dress, to how admiring with their shoes n dress
looking at every nice looking people
talking bout how hot they looked
n who does them look alike wif
wat a nite..
basically both of us stayed there looking at people
for about 4 hours...
geez... i guess spare time spent faster than anything
itz sunday again
n i have test coming up this week
1 tomoro n another 1 on friday
n i havent bother to touch either of the notes..
geez... wat have i turn myself into
early in d afternoon went to sunway resort for buffet dinner
lunch bought by cousin sis for their lovely son's bday celebration
was a good 1
then end up coming home wif bloated stomach
then mr lau called out once i'm bck at home
to teman makan lunch.. but i only accompany
then later went to desa park to collect his paycheaque
it was evening then n kinda my 1st visit to tat nice place..
end up we walk around d park..
i liked d park vv much
it has pretty scene n i liked looking at lots of people walking their dogs around d lake..
vv soothing n relax place to hang out in d evening..
nice place to be... n made me lay bck
till now cant get into starting to study for my test tomoro
n finals coming soon too... real gg this time..
really wondering how come there's only 1 sunday in a week...
dreaming dreaming dreaming...
me n my couzy spend our nite sitting near d fountain in curve
looking at all passerby n discuss bout them
looking at all sort of human kind n their being
looking at how they dress, to how admiring with their shoes n dress
looking at every nice looking people
talking bout how hot they looked
n who does them look alike wif
wat a nite..
basically both of us stayed there looking at people
for about 4 hours...
geez... i guess spare time spent faster than anything
itz sunday again
n i have test coming up this week
1 tomoro n another 1 on friday
n i havent bother to touch either of the notes..
geez... wat have i turn myself into
early in d afternoon went to sunway resort for buffet dinner
lunch bought by cousin sis for their lovely son's bday celebration
was a good 1
then end up coming home wif bloated stomach
then mr lau called out once i'm bck at home
to teman makan lunch.. but i only accompany
then later went to desa park to collect his paycheaque
it was evening then n kinda my 1st visit to tat nice place..
end up we walk around d park..
i liked d park vv much
it has pretty scene n i liked looking at lots of people walking their dogs around d lake..
vv soothing n relax place to hang out in d evening..
nice place to be... n made me lay bck
till now cant get into starting to study for my test tomoro
n finals coming soon too... real gg this time..
really wondering how come there's only 1 sunday in a week...
dreaming dreaming dreaming...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
sick and tired
not in a good mood lately..
restless... sick n tired of wat i'm now
again weekend left alone... at home
nothing else better to do
every1's busy wif their life while i'm bored at it
at this moment..
d restlessness kills... its d worst thing to happen
b4 mum left for dinner.. she ask.. well u gonna be left out alone at home tonite.. how?
both of us answer spontaneously: "haiz, biasa d 1 la"
well i guess tis is really normal till i get frustrated finally tis time
making me getting restless more... sigh.. wat a day'
i wish i can share my sound in heart wif some1..
mentally sick n tired...
restless... sick n tired of wat i'm now
again weekend left alone... at home
nothing else better to do
every1's busy wif their life while i'm bored at it
at this moment..
d restlessness kills... its d worst thing to happen
b4 mum left for dinner.. she ask.. well u gonna be left out alone at home tonite.. how?
both of us answer spontaneously: "haiz, biasa d 1 la"
well i guess tis is really normal till i get frustrated finally tis time
making me getting restless more... sigh.. wat a day'
i wish i can share my sound in heart wif some1..
mentally sick n tired...
Friday, September 11, 2009
i'll be fine...
just like d song i'm listening to now..
i'll be fine...
recently.. class seems busy .. but d truth..
mayb its just me being lazy n cant concentrate
procrastinating like nobody's business
doing every single important assign n any assesment last minute
like i dun bother bout the result end up getting
knowing that it is wrong.. but still not making any action to correct it
i'll be fine...
recently.. class seems busy .. but d truth..
mayb its just me being lazy n cant concentrate
procrastinating like nobody's business
doing every single important assign n any assesment last minute
like i dun bother bout the result end up getting
knowing that it is wrong.. but still not making any action to correct it
thses few weeks... assign .. test n classes go pretty pack..
since there;s public holiday.. the timetable got disturbed
end up 3 weeks consecutively have to get to uni during saturday
i suppose to use tis chance to stay in library to study ..
but sigh
a habit will always be habit.. its hard to change..
instead its getting worst ..
d laziness got worst
worst still knwing tat most of the units thought this sem i wasnt catching up
but still i;m still hesitating like i have tons of time left b4 sitting for d test n finals...
i tried applying for exchange program frm uni.. to exchange to get over to melbourne campus
to try to study in aussie land for a sem.
but like expected.. min requirement means min requirement..
how can me passing d application without meeting d min requirement 1st..
how naive of me..
then an alternative to get me studying in d land down under only
left the option of transferring, which means for my last year i finish in d land down under...
but due to brilliant dad bought the new crib.. which is under construction still
n which he spend his fortune on... n even gave us financial pressure every then
end up he doesnt have extra funds left for me to study abroad..
brilliant har.. chop off my path b4 i can even request to study abroad...
haiz... well i guess i'll stay here ... finish my degree here..
life's getting dull... seriously...
same routine again n again for everyday.. even every week now...
i havent been hanging out much lately..
instead staying home more like an otaku more...
worst, my interest of watching drama like b4 have faded..
its been long since i sat long in sofa to watch drama
instead staring at d monitor.. playing wasting time games...
even chatting less these days.. n interaction quite poor these days
i start not liking to speak instead .. if can..
n just get people mad of me for nothing....
i missed my skul days n college days.. i missed d energetic me
but i'll be fine...... sooner or later.. still have to face d fact of life....
since there;s public holiday.. the timetable got disturbed
end up 3 weeks consecutively have to get to uni during saturday
i suppose to use tis chance to stay in library to study ..
but sigh
a habit will always be habit.. its hard to change..
instead its getting worst ..
d laziness got worst
worst still knwing tat most of the units thought this sem i wasnt catching up
but still i;m still hesitating like i have tons of time left b4 sitting for d test n finals...
i tried applying for exchange program frm uni.. to exchange to get over to melbourne campus
to try to study in aussie land for a sem.
but like expected.. min requirement means min requirement..
how can me passing d application without meeting d min requirement 1st..
how naive of me..
then an alternative to get me studying in d land down under only
left the option of transferring, which means for my last year i finish in d land down under...
but due to brilliant dad bought the new crib.. which is under construction still
n which he spend his fortune on... n even gave us financial pressure every then
end up he doesnt have extra funds left for me to study abroad..
brilliant har.. chop off my path b4 i can even request to study abroad...
haiz... well i guess i'll stay here ... finish my degree here..
life's getting dull... seriously...
same routine again n again for everyday.. even every week now...
i havent been hanging out much lately..
instead staying home more like an otaku more...
worst, my interest of watching drama like b4 have faded..
its been long since i sat long in sofa to watch drama
instead staring at d monitor.. playing wasting time games...
even chatting less these days.. n interaction quite poor these days
i start not liking to speak instead .. if can..
n just get people mad of me for nothing....
i missed my skul days n college days.. i missed d energetic me
but i'll be fine...... sooner or later.. still have to face d fact of life....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
the unbreakable faith
faith is always faith
but its also depends on the hard work behind them
pretty disappointed on myself recently
on most of my happenings
which i might can change d result
looking how enjoying my frens r having fun while studying
while having their greatest experience at tis moment in their life
pretty envy n felt self depression
but i chose my path with my own determination..
which result in lack of it ...
ended up looking at other frens enjoying in other part of d world
different from mine
but i also always compensate myself
by the thought of there's always chance
but every1 knws time nvr stop n wait
who ask myself not to work harder
but d attitude i having is killing all d chances
i dun 1 end up regretting later in my life
when i dun get to do stuffs like now
i aint utilizing my teens well enuf..
ther's tons of regrets as i'm only start moving in growing up
but always believe ther's rainbow after the rain
*signing off~*
faith is always faith
but its also depends on the hard work behind them
pretty disappointed on myself recently
on most of my happenings
which i might can change d result
looking how enjoying my frens r having fun while studying
while having their greatest experience at tis moment in their life
pretty envy n felt self depression
but i chose my path with my own determination..
which result in lack of it ...
ended up looking at other frens enjoying in other part of d world
different from mine
but i also always compensate myself
by the thought of there's always chance
but every1 knws time nvr stop n wait
who ask myself not to work harder
but d attitude i having is killing all d chances
i dun 1 end up regretting later in my life
when i dun get to do stuffs like now
i aint utilizing my teens well enuf..
ther's tons of regrets as i'm only start moving in growing up
but always believe ther's rainbow after the rain
*signing off~*
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
down again'
yup yup..
feeling down again..
emo'ly down again..
recently me just felt alone
especially when u're down ...
n u just dun wanto find them to talk about
but frust over it all alone
or its either they have no time for u
or even unaware of it...
will i survive as a loner??!!
i bet i can.. mayb not survive but used to it
aint feeling good these few days...
add to d emo'ness i get
n d ups n downs
gettting to knw people who i normally hang out wif in uni
applying for exchange next sem..
making me more into miserable
knowin tat i cant join them..
n b alone here next sem... sobs..
signing off~
LONER talking into space...
feeling down again..
emo'ly down again..
recently me just felt alone
especially when u're down ...
n u just dun wanto find them to talk about
but frust over it all alone
or its either they have no time for u
or even unaware of it...
will i survive as a loner??!!
i bet i can.. mayb not survive but used to it
aint feeling good these few days...
add to d emo'ness i get
n d ups n downs
gettting to knw people who i normally hang out wif in uni
applying for exchange next sem..
making me more into miserable
knowin tat i cant join them..
n b alone here next sem... sobs..
signing off~
LONER talking into space...
Monday, July 20, 2009
here goes my break
hmm hmm...
my redang trip went well..
n had much great fun there
n looking forward for another trip there..
n yes.. i miss d beach.. sea .. n every beautiful moments ther
ouch... tis reminds me more ...
nice sun n beaches..
whoever havent been ther..
try tat place.. really good place to rewind urself
n the climax of my break..
start on new sem today.. another sem again
hhhahaha .. lucky thing i din flung any of my sem3 sub..
tis time i applied for sms notification
is d word to describe the feeling
as on tat day itself i had a cousin outing ..
we went movies n met up wif cousin bros of us for dinner..
it was a busy day yet occupied day
but going nuts when the time near evening
where the results usually get out hot from the oven..
i din even get my nerves on to read it myself.. but my cousins did it
n almost freaked me out..
but turn out 2P 2C
comment?? no comment...
but just .. i could done it better
well its d word i would say everytime after d exams.. hahaha
others did quite well... not quite but real good..
good job...
new sem new challenge..
all d best every1 ..
my redang trip went well..
n had much great fun there
n looking forward for another trip there..
n yes.. i miss d beach.. sea .. n every beautiful moments ther
ouch... tis reminds me more ...
nice sun n beaches..
whoever havent been ther..
try tat place.. really good place to rewind urself
n the climax of my break..
start on new sem today.. another sem again
hhhahaha .. lucky thing i din flung any of my sem3 sub..
tis time i applied for sms notification
is d word to describe the feeling
as on tat day itself i had a cousin outing ..
we went movies n met up wif cousin bros of us for dinner..
it was a busy day yet occupied day
but going nuts when the time near evening
where the results usually get out hot from the oven..
i din even get my nerves on to read it myself.. but my cousins did it
n almost freaked me out..
but turn out 2P 2C
comment?? no comment...
but just .. i could done it better
well its d word i would say everytime after d exams.. hahaha
others did quite well... not quite but real good..
good job...
new sem new challenge..
all d best every1 ..
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
yup yup.. 3 more days n i'm in d island of redang
hopefully it will a relaxing n fun trip
finals over but left few weeks of break
then bck to reality of being a student..
start of new sem..
new sem .. new struggle.. copping wif new subjects
n after 3 months .. FINALS again..
life ...
but of coz.. utilized my break for now..
give myself a break
enjoy my moment of relaxation..
cheers people..
signing off..
yup yup.. 3 more days n i'm in d island of redang
hopefully it will a relaxing n fun trip
finals over but left few weeks of break
then bck to reality of being a student..
start of new sem..
new sem .. new struggle.. copping wif new subjects
n after 3 months .. FINALS again..
life ...
but of coz.. utilized my break for now..
give myself a break
enjoy my moment of relaxation..
cheers people..
signing off..
Thursday, June 18, 2009
finally .. but not quite yet
well .. i finished my 3rd paper yesterday i shud said it
it felt great.. like a burden over my shoulder is gone..
but yet i had another one for to go
till the whole burden get rid frm my shoulder
n face another new subs for comin sem..
1st time i got my nerves on for exam...
i hardly get this kinda feeling
this proves tat my pre work for finals r not good..
almost all is last minute studying.. especially the 3rd paper.
which mostly read on d day b4... n sit get myself sitting for the exam..
but lucky thing is examiner came out wif few kinder garden kinda matching ques
which i guess might help me in scoring some of the marks to
cover up those i gonna loose..
i hope the margin increase in marks from correct answer is greater than the margin of mark lost from the wrong answers..
time seems to fly tis days..
n yet most close friends are soon leaving to persue their studies...
in land far far away from mine
which left really few of those close 1 bck here..
hw i wish i could visit them in each place
traveling around is part of my dream ..
ever since i start to know tat there;s always a greater world outside of my own
everything seem contradict for every reason we make d decision
but life still goes on..
welcome to my life.....
signing off~
it felt great.. like a burden over my shoulder is gone..
but yet i had another one for to go
till the whole burden get rid frm my shoulder
n face another new subs for comin sem..
1st time i got my nerves on for exam...
i hardly get this kinda feeling
this proves tat my pre work for finals r not good..
almost all is last minute studying.. especially the 3rd paper.
which mostly read on d day b4... n sit get myself sitting for the exam..
but lucky thing is examiner came out wif few kinder garden kinda matching ques
which i guess might help me in scoring some of the marks to
cover up those i gonna loose..
i hope the margin increase in marks from correct answer is greater than the margin of mark lost from the wrong answers..
time seems to fly tis days..
n yet most close friends are soon leaving to persue their studies...
in land far far away from mine
which left really few of those close 1 bck here..
hw i wish i could visit them in each place
traveling around is part of my dream ..
ever since i start to know tat there;s always a greater world outside of my own
everything seem contradict for every reason we make d decision
but life still goes on..
welcome to my life.....
signing off~
Friday, June 12, 2009
just started finals yesterday..
the first unit .. cost info studies..
no comment on it since there's 1 particular part which i defiantely sure i dunno how to do..
well hopefully my marks satisfied me....
oh ya.. d previous post on my lost assgn.. its on tis unit
but end up my score is still reasonable although its my unsatisfied second part of assgn
well.. i;m supposely to be studying for my monday paper.. but well .. i just get myself studying for it..
COZ .. its a subject where examiner pop u with ques and required to write pages of essays to the answer
n yet its not only 1 esssay.. but 6 ques of essay ques..
me, i'm a person who dislike writting essay.. espeacially academic kinda essay..
n the notes to be read is pilled up almost the ocmbination of other 3 more units
really GG..
then after monday paper.. wed got another paper.. which is also tough yet got no time to study ..
since most of my time nw is to allocate studying for monday sub..
but as u can see.. though saying i suppose to be studying
but end up blogging here.. damn...
not even tat .. i'm even facebooking all way down.
hmm better go get studying after blogging
well.. after 3rd paper will break for another 1 and a half week b4 i can officially finish d 4th n final paper for the sem..
then off i go having fun till the results out... result time will be scary since i experience the NP appearing infront of my screen b4
ALL D BEST n GOOD LUCK to all....
1 down 3 to go...
ciaoz.. signing off...~
the first unit .. cost info studies..
no comment on it since there's 1 particular part which i defiantely sure i dunno how to do..
well hopefully my marks satisfied me....
oh ya.. d previous post on my lost assgn.. its on tis unit
but end up my score is still reasonable although its my unsatisfied second part of assgn
well.. i;m supposely to be studying for my monday paper.. but well .. i just get myself studying for it..
COZ .. its a subject where examiner pop u with ques and required to write pages of essays to the answer
n yet its not only 1 esssay.. but 6 ques of essay ques..
me, i'm a person who dislike writting essay.. espeacially academic kinda essay..
n the notes to be read is pilled up almost the ocmbination of other 3 more units
really GG..
then after monday paper.. wed got another paper.. which is also tough yet got no time to study ..
since most of my time nw is to allocate studying for monday sub..
but as u can see.. though saying i suppose to be studying
but end up blogging here.. damn...
not even tat .. i'm even facebooking all way down.
hmm better go get studying after blogging
well.. after 3rd paper will break for another 1 and a half week b4 i can officially finish d 4th n final paper for the sem..
then off i go having fun till the results out... result time will be scary since i experience the NP appearing infront of my screen b4
ALL D BEST n GOOD LUCK to all....
1 down 3 to go...
ciaoz.. signing off...~
Sunday, May 24, 2009
unforgetable moment
believe it annot..
the worst thing happen for my studies
d final piece of assgn which is all my hardwork
was gone in a slip second
i believe i was closing too many window at the same time
well include d assgn file..
i believe when microsoft ask me whether to save it annot
i click on no instead..
end up while i;m wondering whether to print d final piece
2am in the morning or later in uni
not really vanish but still the part in did earlier this week is still ther..
but the hardwork of me finalising the piece of hard work
WAS GONE...without a trace of ash
i was damn nervous yet angry at myself..
tears start flowing over my eyes
even i text SM, told her wat had happen also shocked her as well
she call me rite away i cant hold it but talking wif her in tears
it was my worst experience
end up i had to work out d whole afternoon till nite's hardwork
real frustrated
but for d sake of my score i need to work it out
but still at the same time cant really accept the fact
n kept trying ways finding for backup files
but ther's none...
work it out till 5am not tat i couldnt stayed up till the next morning
i did try slept only for 2 hours for d previous assgn.
but i was mentally tired..
but the bright side was.. lucky thing i didnt just leave it in the file
n decide to print it the next day in uni but to look tru it b4 i go for sleep
as mayb tat time it would b damn late for me to face the fact that my assgn piece wasnt the final piece n the fact i din save the file
i would really faint in uni for this kinda situation..
hence.. wat an experience
well these days
friends around me had really get the troubles into their head
but din really able to help ..
hopefully stormy days will over soon and has its long sunny days
cheers people~
signing off
the worst thing happen for my studies
d final piece of assgn which is all my hardwork
was gone in a slip second
i believe i was closing too many window at the same time
well include d assgn file..
i believe when microsoft ask me whether to save it annot
i click on no instead..
end up while i;m wondering whether to print d final piece
2am in the morning or later in uni
not really vanish but still the part in did earlier this week is still ther..
but the hardwork of me finalising the piece of hard work
WAS GONE...without a trace of ash
i was damn nervous yet angry at myself..
tears start flowing over my eyes
even i text SM, told her wat had happen also shocked her as well
she call me rite away i cant hold it but talking wif her in tears
it was my worst experience
end up i had to work out d whole afternoon till nite's hardwork
real frustrated
but for d sake of my score i need to work it out
but still at the same time cant really accept the fact
n kept trying ways finding for backup files
but ther's none...
work it out till 5am not tat i couldnt stayed up till the next morning
i did try slept only for 2 hours for d previous assgn.
but i was mentally tired..
but the bright side was.. lucky thing i didnt just leave it in the file
n decide to print it the next day in uni but to look tru it b4 i go for sleep
as mayb tat time it would b damn late for me to face the fact that my assgn piece wasnt the final piece n the fact i din save the file
i would really faint in uni for this kinda situation..
hence.. wat an experience
well these days
friends around me had really get the troubles into their head
but din really able to help ..
hopefully stormy days will over soon and has its long sunny days
cheers people~
signing off
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
random post~ to shout out my heart
i need a spice of my life~!!!
it doesnt go far from boredom ~
i cant bare going d same day over n over again
thanx to novels also make me realised tat my life have no spice in it~
it sucks~ its like everything only happen in story books for me
or even around me ..
or isit i see things to easily ~??? hmm
well get a life MAY ZHANG~!!!!!
at least get ur lazy bump to study ..
which will erm.. nvr happen so far
or at least do ur assgn~
unless u wanna stay up till7am since d nite b4
n then go to hand in d assgn after 2 hours of sleep~
i need a spice of my life~!!!
it doesnt go far from boredom ~
i cant bare going d same day over n over again
thanx to novels also make me realised tat my life have no spice in it~
it sucks~ its like everything only happen in story books for me
or even around me ..
or isit i see things to easily ~??? hmm
well get a life MAY ZHANG~!!!!!
at least get ur lazy bump to study ..
which will erm.. nvr happen so far
or at least do ur assgn~
unless u wanna stay up till7am since d nite b4
n then go to hand in d assgn after 2 hours of sleep~
Friday, May 1, 2009
well well...
i suppose to like update my blog last week
but end up my camera cable dunno gone missing where..
till now still havent find it yet..
how sad..
coz all my update photo are suppose to b up in tis blog so i can type less
things doesnt go rite these days
i had a weeks off from uni
so called mid-sem break
hardly got rest
n yet all assgn start to pilled up on hill
dues dates r all so near to each another
yet i had 1 to hand in
in 2 days time..
thanx to today labour day
or not i'll b death
seriously death ..
coz i din even start a bit b4 tis afternoon..
thank lord for d extra days..
no i shud say thanx mr tan to extend the due date further than earlier
d mood of blogging did not come since my camera cable gone missing
i din get to update tat finally a new puppy had come into d family
well.. this pupp doesnt really replaced my old 1..
i tend to compare him wif d previous 1 ..
n bullied hi more instead..
well.. nw i understood
it hurts when u start to compare..
hahaha ..
assgn block coz cant find resources yeyt no definate answer to those ques
well.. it consist of 30% of my whole unit assesment
its ALOT .. it will deefinately determine my P or NP faith for the sub..
as even d tute ques doesnt come easy..
well definately wont b easy for finals..
FINALS is in for like another 1 more month
but then i din like my timetable
coz between d 3rd paper n my final paper i break for almost 1 n half weeks..
which is like testing on my nerves
yet me n yuki had planned our tour to redang tis july
which is the trip i've been looking forward
YES REDANG... plan to cuci mata as well as enjoy the beach as i liked
beach~ woo.. d breeze n d endless sea ...
bck to reality.. assgn block~ help .. i nid help desperately
but sad to say .. help is limited..
no 1 in mind to call for help .
how pathetic..
i knw i suppose to do it myself..
but it doesnt work out tat way till now..
ciaoz.. better bck to brain storm my assgn
all the best my frenzs..
signing off~
but end up my camera cable dunno gone missing where..
till now still havent find it yet..
how sad..
coz all my update photo are suppose to b up in tis blog so i can type less
things doesnt go rite these days
i had a weeks off from uni
so called mid-sem break
hardly got rest
n yet all assgn start to pilled up on hill
dues dates r all so near to each another
yet i had 1 to hand in
in 2 days time..
thanx to today labour day
or not i'll b death
seriously death ..
coz i din even start a bit b4 tis afternoon..
thank lord for d extra days..
no i shud say thanx mr tan to extend the due date further than earlier
d mood of blogging did not come since my camera cable gone missing
i din get to update tat finally a new puppy had come into d family
well.. this pupp doesnt really replaced my old 1..
i tend to compare him wif d previous 1 ..
n bullied hi more instead..
well.. nw i understood
it hurts when u start to compare..
hahaha ..
assgn block coz cant find resources yeyt no definate answer to those ques
well.. it consist of 30% of my whole unit assesment
its ALOT .. it will deefinately determine my P or NP faith for the sub..
as even d tute ques doesnt come easy..
well definately wont b easy for finals..
FINALS is in for like another 1 more month
but then i din like my timetable
coz between d 3rd paper n my final paper i break for almost 1 n half weeks..
which is like testing on my nerves
yet me n yuki had planned our tour to redang tis july
which is the trip i've been looking forward
YES REDANG... plan to cuci mata as well as enjoy the beach as i liked
beach~ woo.. d breeze n d endless sea ...
bck to reality.. assgn block~ help .. i nid help desperately
but sad to say .. help is limited..
no 1 in mind to call for help .
how pathetic..
i knw i suppose to do it myself..
but it doesnt work out tat way till now..
ciaoz.. better bck to brain storm my assgn
all the best my frenzs..
signing off~
Sunday, March 29, 2009
summary of march
well well..
i guess i'll just make a summary for my march happenings..
i started off march wif class..
a new year .. new feelings for classes..
new determination which well nvr remain by d end of the sem..
lolx >.<
then my march went even busier with my bro's wedding
vv busy.. but glad its finally over.. phew..
bro's wedding lasted for 3days
yea i knw tats like alot for a wedding to go on
1st nite was d lee's dinner
2nd nite d wong's
then finally 3rd day was d official wedding day
d day d bride officially get into d family
n yet another session of buffet at home for d final nite..
so happen tat my bday fall on d 2nd day
well some1 gotto b sacrifice i guess..
well i received alot of greeting on d day..
but was too busy d 3 days .. really too tired d thinking bck nw~
then on d week b4 my bday.. my secondary skul mates... aka buddies
gave me a suprise bday greetings... at veron's tats was quite a suprise
coz i would think of a week earlier suprise...
it they held it on d bday itself, i might just figure tat out ade..
d gift i gotten tis year is a medicure set frm sm n cups wif decoration frm d uni gang
oh ya .. n a book frm yuki~
not forgetting py said my present in melb..
looking forward wat would tat b ..hahahah
thanx guys
then then .. for d wedding.. most of chin's relatives came
even frm australia.. really missed them so much after they went bck
n they gave me d urge to get ther soon .. really soon
we really had alot of fun
then uncle harry n his family stayed in my house..
which is like FUN coz its crowded n happening..
1st time me n my sis cramp in my parents room..
of coz i also get to hang out wif Geoff .. tats like way so long n much of fun
we took heaps of photos..
then i get to meet d whole Louey family.. include d 2 younger member which havent meet them in person b4 tis..
they were all so adorable.. arg.. missed them so much man~
then i over come so many of my 1st time in march ..
d day wif my fullest confidence so far.. really!!! 100% of it~
yes.. n uncle harry and family was d honored passengers~ hahahahha
well shud b really proud of myself man.. so many 1st time in one month
but d only 1st time havent happen yet is never had my 1st time falling in love ~ aiks.. hahahhaha~
hahahahha .. well well... so far tis d summary tat came into mind till now..
>.< style="font-family:georgia;">
i guess i'll just make a summary for my march happenings..
i started off march wif class..
a new year .. new feelings for classes..
new determination which well nvr remain by d end of the sem..
lolx >.<
then my march went even busier with my bro's wedding
vv busy.. but glad its finally over.. phew..
bro's wedding lasted for 3days
yea i knw tats like alot for a wedding to go on
1st nite was d lee's dinner
2nd nite d wong's
then finally 3rd day was d official wedding day
d day d bride officially get into d family
n yet another session of buffet at home for d final nite..
so happen tat my bday fall on d 2nd day
well some1 gotto b sacrifice i guess..
well i received alot of greeting on d day..
but was too busy d 3 days .. really too tired d thinking bck nw~
then on d week b4 my bday.. my secondary skul mates... aka buddies
gave me a suprise bday greetings... at veron's tats was quite a suprise
coz i would think of a week earlier suprise...
it they held it on d bday itself, i might just figure tat out ade..
d gift i gotten tis year is a medicure set frm sm n cups wif decoration frm d uni gang
oh ya .. n a book frm yuki~
not forgetting py said my present in melb..
looking forward wat would tat b ..hahahah
thanx guys
then then .. for d wedding.. most of chin's relatives came
even frm australia.. really missed them so much after they went bck
n they gave me d urge to get ther soon .. really soon
we really had alot of fun
then uncle harry n his family stayed in my house..
which is like FUN coz its crowded n happening..
1st time me n my sis cramp in my parents room..
of coz i also get to hang out wif Geoff .. tats like way so long n much of fun
we took heaps of photos..
then i get to meet d whole Louey family.. include d 2 younger member which havent meet them in person b4 tis..
they were all so adorable.. arg.. missed them so much man~
then i over come so many of my 1st time in march ..
- 1st time i was so pretty tat i admit it myself..>.< (paise neh)
d day wif my fullest confidence so far.. really!!! 100% of it~
- 1st time i drove a lorry!!! omg .. though it just a short distance but indeed i make it~
- 1st time driving for a long distance trip bck to hometown!!!
yes.. n uncle harry and family was d honored passengers~ hahahahha
well shud b really proud of myself man.. so many 1st time in one month
but d only 1st time havent happen yet is never had my 1st time falling in love ~ aiks.. hahahhaha~
hahahahha .. well well... so far tis d summary tat came into mind till now..
>.< style="font-family:georgia;">
Saturday, March 28, 2009
1. Do you have secrets?
of coz.. who doesnt?
2. Do you ever try a few days do not eat anythings?
nope.. nvr.. tats y dieting nvr happen to me.. food is like my life man
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
depends.. only enjoy when i get to hangout wif my gang not when d teachers mumbling
4. Coffee or more coffee?
wat does it differ frm? its still coffee rite~
6.laughter, or forever smiles?
laughter... it kills d silent moments...laughter cheer up people around me...
7. Who is more important? Lover or best friends?
best friends.. since lover never come into my life yet..
8. The person you like is already attached, what would you do?
try to forget bout him? takkan fight for him? swt.. dunno..
9. What made you smile today?
10. Angelic or Devilish?
angelic.. am i ? >.<
(but i see horns above me) lolx
11.How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
carefree... stable.. d places on globe were half way traveled..happy...
12.Who are currently the most important people to you?
parents, family's.. the only people supports me in everything nw..
13.What is the most important thing in life?
gratefulness.. always b grateful on what we have n owned...
will only complain throughout wholesome of stuffs..
nothing is satisfied & complete if u're not grateful
winding doesnt fix things up....
14.Are you single or attached?
single yet rock...>.<
15. What is your favorite color?
pink, purple, blue, black & white.. opps did u just ask for colorS or color?
16. What is your wish?
everything goes well for me n d rest of family..
17. Have you wondered what will happened afterlife?
not really.. even d current life i still wondered what will happen to myself too...
things happened unexpectedly.. dare not think bout afterlife while i;m still doubt for current..
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
yea.. of coz.. every1 got d rite to make mistakes n learnt frm it...
i tend to let things off as time past... but time matters...
19. Which do you prefer? Spending more time with Family members or the close/understandable ones?
20. 5 people you're gonna tag:
yuki, veron, peisha, ... no1 yet...
*thanx py for tagging me to make my blog not emo always~
of coz.. who doesnt?
2. Do you ever try a few days do not eat anythings?
nope.. nvr.. tats y dieting nvr happen to me.. food is like my life man
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
depends.. only enjoy when i get to hangout wif my gang not when d teachers mumbling
4. Coffee or more coffee?
wat does it differ frm? its still coffee rite~
6.laughter, or forever smiles?
laughter... it kills d silent moments...laughter cheer up people around me...
7. Who is more important? Lover or best friends?
best friends.. since lover never come into my life yet..
8. The person you like is already attached, what would you do?
try to forget bout him? takkan fight for him? swt.. dunno..
9. What made you smile today?
10. Angelic or Devilish?
angelic.. am i ? >.<
(but i see horns above me) lolx
11.How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
carefree... stable.. d places on globe were half way traveled..happy...
12.Who are currently the most important people to you?
parents, family's.. the only people supports me in everything nw..
13.What is the most important thing in life?
gratefulness.. always b grateful on what we have n owned...
will only complain throughout wholesome of stuffs..
nothing is satisfied & complete if u're not grateful
winding doesnt fix things up....
14.Are you single or attached?
single yet rock...>.<
15. What is your favorite color?
pink, purple, blue, black & white.. opps did u just ask for colorS or color?
16. What is your wish?
everything goes well for me n d rest of family..
17. Have you wondered what will happened afterlife?
not really.. even d current life i still wondered what will happen to myself too...
things happened unexpectedly.. dare not think bout afterlife while i;m still doubt for current..
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
yea.. of coz.. every1 got d rite to make mistakes n learnt frm it...
i tend to let things off as time past... but time matters...
19. Which do you prefer? Spending more time with Family members or the close/understandable ones?
20. 5 people you're gonna tag:
yuki, veron, peisha, ... no1 yet...
*thanx py for tagging me to make my blog not emo always~
Sunday, March 15, 2009
sick & tired
well well
i even thought i might blog bout my bro's wed
but aint gonna do so~!!!
sick n tired being so excited for d last week
reality came bck`
just really feel like shouting out my heart loud
as loud as i could~!!!
even losing my voice for tat..
but i couldnt
only thing i can do it let it bleed..
well i guess no1 would understand how i felt
until u were in my shoes in every of tis moment
i usually wouldnt end up feeling in such feeling but
not till recently
i just sum how got tired of being myself in d family anymore
d new life always come into my mind every nw n then..
well.. i guess i;m just tired
real tired...
plus d burdens of keeping my own feelings
n thoughts all by myself, hurts
really hurts...
eventhough i try to speak out.. but it doesnt help
no 1 can understand it..
hw d feeling of it ~
off i go
i even thought i might blog bout my bro's wed
but aint gonna do so~!!!
sick n tired being so excited for d last week
reality came bck`
just really feel like shouting out my heart loud
as loud as i could~!!!
even losing my voice for tat..
but i couldnt
only thing i can do it let it bleed..
well i guess no1 would understand how i felt
until u were in my shoes in every of tis moment
i usually wouldnt end up feeling in such feeling but
not till recently
i just sum how got tired of being myself in d family anymore
d new life always come into my mind every nw n then..
well.. i guess i;m just tired
real tired...
plus d burdens of keeping my own feelings
n thoughts all by myself, hurts
really hurts...
eventhough i try to speak out.. but it doesnt help
no 1 can understand it..
hw d feeling of it ~
off i go
Thursday, February 26, 2009
emo here it comes again
well well
miss emo princess is bck~
hw i wish i;m all alone in melbourne rite now~!!!!
OMG~!!! YES~!!!
wtf i'm seriously damn mad now
i;'m not sure whether isit pms or wat ~
but my family attitude is vv inritating~
especially u BRO~!!!!
So cALLED !! GRR!!!!
1st~ victim bro!!!
damn u man~
u d man getting married n all of us doin ur job~
as if we were d 1 getting married!!!!
clean ur own a**
wat in d world for so long u been in d family even u getting married
also just cant give us a break n try to settle each part ur self?!
so S**t really WTF!!!!
seriously tis will b d post with most fault language~
then it was my dad 2nd victim~
for d sake of my bro .. he gotto re-new d house..
with all paint n repair work
Ther its come..
every minute kept asking wat colour how..
when we give him suggestion .. kutuk like hell~
wt la~ my self dun ask us~
then bck to 1st victim..
for all tis re-new n repair work~
u hardly put ur a** on helpin us to remove d furniture
n yet everyday come bck late..
even me everyday after work also have to come bck
clean d house..
wat an unfair life~
if i'm as selfish as u ~
i'll b in melbourne nw..
dun even bother whether u guy can afort d tuition fees annot
havin myself ther~
without have to get irritated
GRR~!!!! my temp nw is as hot as Vic bush fires~!!!!
pissed off~
miss emo princess is bck~
hw i wish i;m all alone in melbourne rite now~!!!!
OMG~!!! YES~!!!
wtf i'm seriously damn mad now
i;'m not sure whether isit pms or wat ~
but my family attitude is vv inritating~
especially u BRO~!!!!
So cALLED !! GRR!!!!
1st~ victim bro!!!
damn u man~
u d man getting married n all of us doin ur job~
as if we were d 1 getting married!!!!
clean ur own a**
wat in d world for so long u been in d family even u getting married
also just cant give us a break n try to settle each part ur self?!
so S**t really WTF!!!!
seriously tis will b d post with most fault language~
then it was my dad 2nd victim~
for d sake of my bro .. he gotto re-new d house..
with all paint n repair work
Ther its come..
every minute kept asking wat colour how..
when we give him suggestion .. kutuk like hell~
wt la~ my self dun ask us~
then bck to 1st victim..
for all tis re-new n repair work~
u hardly put ur a** on helpin us to remove d furniture
n yet everyday come bck late..
even me everyday after work also have to come bck
clean d house..
wat an unfair life~
if i'm as selfish as u ~
i'll b in melbourne nw..
dun even bother whether u guy can afort d tuition fees annot
havin myself ther~
without have to get irritated
GRR~!!!! my temp nw is as hot as Vic bush fires~!!!!
pissed off~
Friday, February 20, 2009
it was yuki's bday on wed..
i decided to buy her dinner at italian rest near home
but end up i calling the others as well
n indeed tis d 1st time i spent so much on my buddy's bday
hopefully u enjoy ur day yuki~
well sem break cumin towards d end
means py flying off melb soon
sure will miss seeing her in person for another 9 months~
suddenly thoughts start flying into me
well as my relative had recently fly off to adelaide
lookin at perth's scene frm a fren's trip
it make me wanto go aussie land for study even more
plus .. people starting their sem1 in melb also had left d country
updating on their facebook n msn status
well i pretty envy them
for sure u guys must b saying nothing to envy about
but at least its an experience u would have in ur life
n memories to think about later
thoughts of having new life often come into my mind recently
not about forgetting d past..
but getting a new start .. a much intersting part
rather than doin all repitative n all about-to-knw happenings
well... tis will always b part of my dream for future
clerk work is really not for me..
after 1 motnh part-time as so -called-assistant
well boredom is wat i get frm d experience..
i cant see my future doin repetitive work~
which is super boredom to me
as i grew i hardly like doin same thing twice..
even chores.. my poor sis will become my rescuer
mayb its in me .. d mayzhang dun like repeat stuff..
in d case of working n doing things rite..
u shall call it as no patients as well
signing off~
i decided to buy her dinner at italian rest near home
but end up i calling the others as well
n indeed tis d 1st time i spent so much on my buddy's bday
hopefully u enjoy ur day yuki~
well sem break cumin towards d end
means py flying off melb soon
sure will miss seeing her in person for another 9 months~
suddenly thoughts start flying into me
well as my relative had recently fly off to adelaide
lookin at perth's scene frm a fren's trip
it make me wanto go aussie land for study even more
plus .. people starting their sem1 in melb also had left d country
updating on their facebook n msn status
well i pretty envy them
for sure u guys must b saying nothing to envy about
but at least its an experience u would have in ur life
n memories to think about later
thoughts of having new life often come into my mind recently
not about forgetting d past..
but getting a new start .. a much intersting part
rather than doin all repitative n all about-to-knw happenings
well... tis will always b part of my dream for future
clerk work is really not for me..
after 1 motnh part-time as so -called-assistant
well boredom is wat i get frm d experience..
i cant see my future doin repetitive work~
which is super boredom to me
as i grew i hardly like doin same thing twice..
even chores.. my poor sis will become my rescuer
mayb its in me .. d mayzhang dun like repeat stuff..
in d case of working n doing things rite..
u shall call it as no patients as well
signing off~
Saturday, February 14, 2009
SINGLE ROX ! yet sux~
it's early valentine's day
well no difference..
still no valentine to celebrate wif
for all u knw.. nvr received any flowers yet chocolates b4
sad rite..
well y do they have valentine's day
but not single day????
wat to do~ no1 wanna cherish single day i guess
few days b4 i went tru my drawer...
yet looking bck to lots of previous days writtings
a letter frm a primary fren..
d funny part is we stay not further than 5km away i believe..
but we still write letters to each another then~
tats d only letter i having wif me till nw since then
its kinda funny look bck on wat we discuss in letter..
n there's a big ??? in d letter..
she was asking me can i answer her ques honestly
but i just cant recall bck wat she was trying to ask in d next letter
well.. time flies~
n our friendship got hang on till nw ..
even when d last we met in mamak stall ..
i ought to b vv unclose wif her suddenly
well.. we used to share lots of time n fun as well as stories wif each other
then i flip tru d diary i use to write in form2
n stop by d end of form3..
yea.. typical me~
its so funny lookin bck on wat i write in diary
mostly bout d crush i had toward a senior
goosh~ so embrasing
lucky thing d naive me has past by
hopefully >.<
tis evening, headed down to MV
had dinner wif py,kw n jooi
n jooi treat us dinner at kenny roger's..
actually is me n py insisted~ hahah
thanx jooi~
he called us the leeches~
coz we think tat jooi grows money~
n taking every advantage to get him cia us~
then kw buy us drinks in kim gary
well it will d i guess last meal wif py b4 she leaves for melb again
for another 9months~
well i sure gonna miss seeing her in person
but shall not missed her appearing on9~
lolx~ n u do knw wat i meant py~
well so long for tis post~
*signing off
well no difference..
still no valentine to celebrate wif
for all u knw.. nvr received any flowers yet chocolates b4
sad rite..
well y do they have valentine's day
but not single day????
wat to do~ no1 wanna cherish single day i guess
few days b4 i went tru my drawer...
yet looking bck to lots of previous days writtings
a letter frm a primary fren..
d funny part is we stay not further than 5km away i believe..
but we still write letters to each another then~
tats d only letter i having wif me till nw since then
its kinda funny look bck on wat we discuss in letter..
n there's a big ??? in d letter..
she was asking me can i answer her ques honestly
but i just cant recall bck wat she was trying to ask in d next letter
well.. time flies~
n our friendship got hang on till nw ..
even when d last we met in mamak stall ..
i ought to b vv unclose wif her suddenly
well.. we used to share lots of time n fun as well as stories wif each other
then i flip tru d diary i use to write in form2
n stop by d end of form3..
yea.. typical me~
its so funny lookin bck on wat i write in diary
mostly bout d crush i had toward a senior
goosh~ so embrasing
lucky thing d naive me has past by
hopefully >.<
tis evening, headed down to MV
had dinner wif py,kw n jooi
n jooi treat us dinner at kenny roger's..
actually is me n py insisted~ hahah
thanx jooi~
he called us the leeches~
coz we think tat jooi grows money~
n taking every advantage to get him cia us~
then kw buy us drinks in kim gary
well it will d i guess last meal wif py b4 she leaves for melb again
for another 9months~
well i sure gonna miss seeing her in person
but shall not missed her appearing on9~
lolx~ n u do knw wat i meant py~
well so long for tis post~
*signing off
*i missed my dog vvv much~
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
my beloved left home~!!!!
YES .. indeed heskey my beloved
left home last friday .. around 8pm... n he never came bck
i really missed him loh
i miss calling him out for dinner..
asking him sit b4 i feed him
missing patting him
missed scratching for him
missed his bark
missing his irritated look
missed his ego'ish look
missing d bell ring over his collar
missing d steps walking into d house
missed walking him under the big bright moon
missed running on d streets wif him
PLZ come home to us
even bro missed him so much..
as well as mum n dad..
sis as well
we just not use to not having heskey around
signing off~
left home last friday .. around 8pm... n he never came bck
i really missed him loh
i miss calling him out for dinner..
asking him sit b4 i feed him
missed scratching for him
missed his bark
missing his irritated look
missed his ego'ish look
missing d bell ring over his collar
missing d steps walking into d house
missed walking him under the big bright moon
missed running on d streets wif him
PLZ come home to us
even bro missed him so much..
as well as mum n dad..
sis as well
we just not use to not having heskey around
signing off~
Friday, January 30, 2009
yup d season for cherry is here
n it started since a month ago~
yet i was hoping to pop 1 in my mouth
b4 cny when on d trip to market to help mum
get stuffs for cny as we stop by the fruit stall
OMG~ there it sat~ boxes of cherries~
how can i miss d dark red coloured juicy fruit
YUM~ without doubt i asked 4 d price
damn GGed~rm130 for 2kg~
me n mum start converting currency
thinking isit worth d buy
n its been years i ever ate on fresh cherries
we came to an agreement to share d price
for d box of cherries .. n all d way plan how to keep it away frm bro
as he always do finish good food ahead of us
especially those we pay lots for
for exp. BR!! he always empty those pint within a week
everytime after he found out d pint laying in d freezer
here's pic of me craving on cherry
d cherries r frm tasmania
they do taste sweet n juicy~
btw we made our mind buying it
thanx to mum!
without doubt.. she grab 1 n pop into her mouth
while i'm still thinking whether to buy annot!
lolx man~
*signing off~
n it started since a month ago~
yet i was hoping to pop 1 in my mouth
b4 cny when on d trip to market to help mum
get stuffs for cny as we stop by the fruit stall
OMG~ there it sat~ boxes of cherries~
how can i miss d dark red coloured juicy fruit
damn GGed~rm130 for 2kg~
me n mum start converting currency
thinking isit worth d buy
n its been years i ever ate on fresh cherries
we came to an agreement to share d price
for d box of cherries .. n all d way plan how to keep it away frm bro
as he always do finish good food ahead of us
especially those we pay lots for
for exp. BR!! he always empty those pint within a week
everytime after he found out d pint laying in d freezer
d cherries r frm tasmania
they do taste sweet n juicy~
btw we made our mind buying it
thanx to mum!
without doubt.. she grab 1 n pop into her mouth
while i'm still thinking whether to buy annot!
lolx man~
*signing off~
Sunday, January 25, 2009
well well
one man's sweet is another man's poison
i see tat vv often
espeacially in gathering ocassion
n things get thoughten when come to preference
u cant manage to overcome all different preference
even dad's business itself can help it
preference matters..
some say d food is good but yet not to all
but it does good when most agree on 1
n it gets ugly when minority agrees
opps i guess
n u shall see crows flying pass
sigh sigh
cny just like few hours away
n yet.. d feel doesnt come rite yet
wondering wat happened whether to me only
or even every1 else
started working as part-time clerk
at penny's place
n working does sucks!!!!
ya! n i meant it!!
nw i have so high determination
for cont study as long as i can
yea rite~
i hate studying .. but in tis case just
to stay away frm d working stage~
studying is just rite d place to b
imagine taking few different degree
just to run away frm d work field
but some hw .. u will still have to deal wif it
sooner or later.. for better or worst
since by studying u only spend money
not getting d money earnt
unless start working
d problem wif work is u usually stuck wif same old
process everyday
unless u'r a designer or engineering
but sumore wat u come into contact
is nevertheless d same
like dad's business..
everytime.. set up table then the process follows
no matter where d house n d place of the kitchen
d process getting d food on d buffet table
remains d same
just d coping wif d sorounding tats all
i think tats part of my whining
sorry just feel like complaining
veron just past her 20th~
oh gosh~ soon mine gonna b here soon..
but trying to please some1 is hard~
not to say please but at least making
them feel better even for tat hours/minute/or even seconds
will definitely need efforts~
out of speech d~
signing off~
well well
one man's sweet is another man's poison
i see tat vv often
espeacially in gathering ocassion
n things get thoughten when come to preference
u cant manage to overcome all different preference
even dad's business itself can help it
preference matters..
some say d food is good but yet not to all
but it does good when most agree on 1
n it gets ugly when minority agrees
opps i guess
n u shall see crows flying pass
sigh sigh
cny just like few hours away
n yet.. d feel doesnt come rite yet
wondering wat happened whether to me only
or even every1 else
started working as part-time clerk
at penny's place
n working does sucks!!!!
ya! n i meant it!!
nw i have so high determination
for cont study as long as i can
yea rite~
i hate studying .. but in tis case just
to stay away frm d working stage~
studying is just rite d place to b
imagine taking few different degree
just to run away frm d work field
but some hw .. u will still have to deal wif it
sooner or later.. for better or worst
since by studying u only spend money
not getting d money earnt
unless start working
d problem wif work is u usually stuck wif same old
process everyday
unless u'r a designer or engineering
but sumore wat u come into contact
is nevertheless d same
like dad's business..
everytime.. set up table then the process follows
no matter where d house n d place of the kitchen
d process getting d food on d buffet table
remains d same
just d coping wif d sorounding tats all
i think tats part of my whining
sorry just feel like complaining
veron just past her 20th~
oh gosh~ soon mine gonna b here soon..
but trying to please some1 is hard~
not to say please but at least making
them feel better even for tat hours/minute/or even seconds
will definitely need efforts~
out of speech d~
signing off~
Saturday, January 10, 2009
new year new hopes
new year new has come
no~ i shall say it's finally here
i haven thought much into a resolution list
but as i think .. more came into mine
stay more focus in my studies
dad demanded~ yup indeed~
he did mention bout my study attitude
Plus d disappointment i felt when i told him d recent result~
yet as i've been told~ nothing gets easy starting frm 2nd year~
fingers cross~!!!!
EMO no more!!!!
yea rite~ wat i could hope is at least emo dun bomb me so often
as i knw myself i'm an emo freak which normally cry
which only cry out loud in heart
of coz i would like to have a special some1 to think about
to share things~ share thoughts~
sobs~ as i havent get those chances yet~
seeing people around beeing inlove really made me
into a such jealous freak~
watching dramas of romantic stories~ killed my heart
frm time to time~
in mind always wondering when only i can have my 1st
sobs~ as most peeps at my age has already gone tru it!!!
how saddening isit rite~
i always say SINGLE ROX!!!
hell yes~!! it does rock since i havent been NOT single b4!!
n hell no!! its must b my prob scaring d MALEs away!!!
opps~ influenced by movie~
deeply in me, i always like to travel around
but for tis holiday i spend most of d time at home
n hardly having fun out of it
hardly go shoppin even whore at cameras
so next resolution is have more fun in 09'
yes i must b4 i regret my teen being so boring!!
btw in 2 months time n i'm "teen" no more
since i'm turning twenTY by then!!
no more nineTEEN!! sobs~!!
but deep down! i'm always TEEN babe~
cny is in few weeks time!
n i havent got my clothes for it yet!!
its so not me in 2008!!
hardly me cant get clothes or i shall say~
i havent been shoppin since long long time~
other than normal window shopping
hopefully i get new clothes by then as well as dresses
for my bro's big day~ +.+
~signing off~
no~ i shall say it's finally here
i haven thought much into a resolution list
but as i think .. more came into mine
stay more focus in my studies
dad demanded~ yup indeed~
he did mention bout my study attitude
Plus d disappointment i felt when i told him d recent result~
yet as i've been told~ nothing gets easy starting frm 2nd year~
fingers cross~!!!!
EMO no more!!!!
yea rite~ wat i could hope is at least emo dun bomb me so often
as i knw myself i'm an emo freak which normally cry
which only cry out loud in heart
of coz i would like to have a special some1 to think about
to share things~ share thoughts~
sobs~ as i havent get those chances yet~
seeing people around beeing inlove really made me
into a such jealous freak~
watching dramas of romantic stories~ killed my heart
frm time to time~
in mind always wondering when only i can have my 1st
sobs~ as most peeps at my age has already gone tru it!!!
how saddening isit rite~
i always say SINGLE ROX!!!
hell yes~!! it does rock since i havent been NOT single b4!!
n hell no!! its must b my prob scaring d MALEs away!!!
opps~ influenced by movie~
deeply in me, i always like to travel around
but for tis holiday i spend most of d time at home
n hardly having fun out of it
hardly go shoppin even whore at cameras
so next resolution is have more fun in 09'
yes i must b4 i regret my teen being so boring!!
btw in 2 months time n i'm "teen" no more
since i'm turning twenTY by then!!
no more nineTEEN!! sobs~!!
but deep down! i'm always TEEN babe~
cny is in few weeks time!
n i havent got my clothes for it yet!!
its so not me in 2008!!
hardly me cant get clothes or i shall say~
i havent been shoppin since long long time~
other than normal window shopping
hopefully i get new clothes by then as well as dresses
for my bro's big day~ +.+
~signing off~
Thursday, January 1, 2009
new year eve
so long 2008~
weeks b4 i had already planned my new year eve wif college mates..
decided to celebrate in 1 of their house
end up just few days b4 eve..
DEARESt "sarcastically" Ray
call it off !!!cant go due to some personal reason
n beg to change d plan on d new year itself~
i was damn pissed off~
felt so wanna kill him
coz i knw once the eve call it off
i wounldnt have any plan on tat day
here goes the emo whole day list
on new year eve..
wat i did~
woke up n ajak my sis wanna go shoppin/ walk walk annot
no answer, "later" she said..
but end up she went out in the afternoon..
leaving me alone at home..
i was damn pissed in me..
n then i decided to drive my self to d ktm station
got my self into d train towards Midvalley
d only place i wouldnt have to drive to reach for mall without having trap
in jam with me driving
then walk for 3hours ..
YUP~ all ALONE!!!!!
only then realised i haven take any meal for d day
but i end up queuing for BR as its 31th of the month
d train bck was hectic
damn lot of people but mostly stop in d kl part station
i guess they r off to countdown events
SOBS~ in my heart
but on d day b4 eve
py did ask me to join her n kw for eve
but~ nah~ didnt wanto charged up wif voltage
so later at nite
dinner was late.. coz parents too busy wif catering preparations
then after dinner so hoping tat my phone will ring
wif d hope of people calling me for outing ..
but nah~
its just new year message tru out~
so was couching infront of the tv d whole nite
list of movie i watched~
camp rock~Death note@L changed d world
i could heard those echo of fireworks
frm my house
it must b frm the curve n 1u
n sum house near my place did put up fireworks
which can b seen just front of my house
even my sis also is d house no plans on
n she even ajak me out for nasi lemak in d middle of the nite
liek around 2am +
my god~
but we din end up going coz i told her fattening
but she cant over come her hunger n get to d kitchen
made her self a peanut butter toast
tats hw my new year eve goes~
signing off~
weeks b4 i had already planned my new year eve wif college mates..
decided to celebrate in 1 of their house
end up just few days b4 eve..
DEARESt "sarcastically" Ray
call it off !!!cant go due to some personal reason
n beg to change d plan on d new year itself~
i was damn pissed off~
felt so wanna kill him
coz i knw once the eve call it off
i wounldnt have any plan on tat day
here goes the emo whole day list
on new year eve..
wat i did~
woke up n ajak my sis wanna go shoppin/ walk walk annot
no answer, "later" she said..
but end up she went out in the afternoon..
leaving me alone at home..
i was damn pissed in me..
n then i decided to drive my self to d ktm station
got my self into d train towards Midvalley
d only place i wouldnt have to drive to reach for mall without having trap
in jam with me driving
then walk for 3hours ..
YUP~ all ALONE!!!!!
only then realised i haven take any meal for d day
but i end up queuing for BR as its 31th of the month
d train bck was hectic
damn lot of people but mostly stop in d kl part station
i guess they r off to countdown events
SOBS~ in my heart
but on d day b4 eve
py did ask me to join her n kw for eve
but~ nah~ didnt wanto charged up wif voltage
so later at nite
dinner was late.. coz parents too busy wif catering preparations
then after dinner so hoping tat my phone will ring
wif d hope of people calling me for outing ..
but nah~
its just new year message tru out~
so was couching infront of the tv d whole nite
list of movie i watched~
camp rock~Death note@L changed d world
i could heard those echo of fireworks
frm my house
it must b frm the curve n 1u
n sum house near my place did put up fireworks
which can b seen just front of my house
even my sis also is d house no plans on
n she even ajak me out for nasi lemak in d middle of the nite
liek around 2am +
my god~
but we din end up going coz i told her fattening
but she cant over come her hunger n get to d kitchen
made her self a peanut butter toast
tats hw my new year eve goes~
signing off~
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